Sunday, July 20, 2008

4th of July

Berklee, Hope, and Wyattt cheasing it for the camera.

Hope bowing . She is so funny. She was blowing kisses to the princesses too.
Berny and Luke in their cool shades. It was so hot that day!

My little Man!

So, I was on call for the 4th. Suprisingly enough, I didn't get called in. We had a relaxing 4th of July. We went swimming at Lindsey and Trevor's pool and had a bbq and later that night had another bbq with Bern's mom and dad and Ashley. Then we went to see fireworks in Riverton, which, by the way are always the best. It's one of the few parks that still let you sit fairly close to where they set them off and I'm always suprised how long it is and this year was by far the best. Oh, and on the 3rd we went to Riverton's parade with the Wardle fam. That's what these pics are from.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Hope is so crazy. I love that little girl.